Doing Business in Ontario
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities
Find out how accessibility standards will affect individuals and businesses in Ontario, in areas including customer service, transportation, information and communications, built environment and employment.
Provides general information and resources including checklists and guides on establishing a franchise in Ontario.
Information to help develop secure information management practices for customer data.
ServiceOntario – Register/Renew/Change Your Business Information
Register, renew or change your business information. You can also search a business name registered with the Ontario Ministry of Government Services.
Guide for Canadian Small Businesses
This federal guide helps businesses with various forms of taxation, plan for taxes, keep records, and make report payments.
Small Business/Self Employment Income
Doing Business Outside Ontario
Doing Business in the NAFTA Region
Links assembled by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and International trade. Information on criteria and procedures for crossing borders under the North American Free trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Exporting to the United States Info-Guide
Resources for product manufacturers and service providers interested in the U.S. market
The Importing Info-Guide is designed to help you navigate through the federal and provincial government programs, services and regulations that may apply to individuals and businesses starting to import in Ontario.
Single window access to government services and information for exporting your services, entering the export market, developing an export plan, market development funding, resources on export from Canada.
Employment Regulations
Employment Regulations Info-Guide
The Employment Regulations Info-Guide is designed to help you navigate through the federal and provincial government regulations on employment.
Occupational Health and Safety
A guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The Ontario Workplace Gateway provides employers, workers and others with one-stop access to information and services on a wide variety of workplace-related topics.
Management & Planning
The Employment Regulations Info-Guide is designed to help you navigate through the federal and provincial government regulations on employment. The Employment and Training Assistance Programs Info-Guide is designed to help you navigate through the federal and provincial government programs and services available to businesses in Ontario that are seeking assistance to hire employees.
This fact sheet is provided for information regarding Termination of Employment and Severance Pay.
Selling Products and Services to Government
Information on federal governments online tendering system and bidding process.
Doing Business with the Ontario Government
Selling to the Ontario government means supplying a huge marketplace. Businesses of all sizes and types are successful suppliers to us, because our goal is to help you do business with us. We welcome new suppliers.
Government Electronic Tendering Service
Information on the federal governments online tendering system that advertises opportunities to potential bidders.
Opportunities from federal and provincial governments and MASH (municipal, academic, school and hospital) sectors across Canada.
This web site matches Canadian products and services with thousands of business opportunities.